How waste collector picker makes money and their life challenges?

A waste picker is generally seen as a third class person whose social status is considered at the bottom. It is true that their outward appearance is ugly. They wear old clothes and come to collect waste with a cart having big bag reside on the cart. It is the type of job which handles by uneducated people who are not well educated to get a job. But their techniques to extract wealth are remarkable from waste.
What waste collector do with waste collected from home?
Waste picker master the waste handling and give the maximum worth to waste. It is achieved by processing of waste collected from a home, In that process garbage pickers, catch-all useful waste items such as milk packet, box containers. Usually, pickers spend 2 minutes on separating each house waste and daily they collected waste from around 100 homes. A household doesn’t think how their waste will process. Household mix all waste into one black polythene and give it to garbage picker. Even not warn about the hazardous waste contain sometimes such as broken glass, needle. Also, garbage picker work with a bare hand that can injure their hand.
Problem confronts by garbage picker.
Challenge confront by the garbage picker while separating waste are becoming conundrum problem to face. Firstly, people mix kitchen waste with others waste once garbage picker pours the polythene items into the cart it becomes sticky and muggy. Waste picker uses his hand to pick item such as milk packet, plastic bottles, women hairs, paper and throw into a big bag. They compress the big bag twice, thrice to adjust all the collected value waste. Daily they go to two times to dump recycle location to throw their unused waste.
The values they generate from waste.
Incredible values are generated from waste items which are totally unbelievable. Women hair are sold at 2100 Rs per kg, plastic bottles, papers also have good value these days. Paper box, Used bread are also sold by garbage pickers.
Where remaining waste go?
Waste pickers are not well educated so they don’t care about the environment a lot. They only care about the usefulness material from home and all other material dumps to recycle locations which also remain in a terrible situation. They also mix the glass, organic waste, plastic wrappers waste, agricultural waste, clothes waste, solid waste into one and throw it.